Let’s build together a successful product, led by customized electronic boards and dedicated software. Our strength is in maximum customization.
We collaborate with the customer right from the design stages, analyzing the special requests with great attention to understand the real needs and actively identify the most efficient and effective solution. Every new challenge is an opportunity to find and create new innovations by applying Problem-solving strategies and cutting-edge technical knowledge. With maximum flexibility, we offer a “turn-key” service starting from the idea up to the supply of the device which includes the design of the electronic board, the choice of electronic components, engineering, series production and software development. To ensure maximum quality, we carry out tests and inspections that demonstrate the best levels of performance and reliability.
Control systems for circuits and refrigeration systems: they control the lowering of the temperature for the storage of food and other products.
Solutions for the electronic control of hobs and ovens: they offer temperature management and monitoring of the food preparation process.
Washing devices and equipment: to allow the delivery of liquids at the correct temperature and the mixing of detergent products.
Electronic boards for managing the rising of a dough: they keep time, temperature and humidity under control at every stage of the processing.
Professional systems for coffee management: they allow the management of the grinding of the beans, the preparation and the dispensing.
Electronic control systems for semi-professional gardening equipment: allow you to carry out garden care operations in complete safety.
Electronic cards for environmental monitoring of air quality: they measure the flow, emissions and consequent health values of the filtered air.
Devices for adjusting the equipment used in hygiene and cleaning: they control the correct operation and the dosage of liquids and detergents.
Electronic systems for zootechnical equipment intended for egg hatch control: they monitor temperatures, humidity and ventilation.
Appliances for food storage and cooking by vacuum: they control the suction of the air to form the vacuum inside a casing.
Lighting control solutions for semi-professional applications: they provide the management of switching on and off and the regulation of light sources.
Professional power supplies for recharging low power batteries: once connected to an electrical source, they allow charging.
Sensors for measuring temperature and levels translate the acquired data into digital information useful for monitoring the parameters of interest.
We really believe in green electronics, through the adoption of energy-saving systems. We have already set ourselves the goal of increasing efficiency, reducing the environmental impact and decreasing consumption through the development of sustainable electronic solutions.
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Syen s.r.l. | Cod. fiscale e Part. IVA: 02314170263 | Iscrizione Ufficio Registro di TREVISO | Num. REA: TV-202803 | Capitale sociale: € 10.400,00 I.V.
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