hardware standard progetti di elettronica

The ready-to-use hardware line that speeds up your project's deployment time.

hardware standard progetti di elettronica
syen elettronica produzione elettronica custom
Custom electronic solutions

Build with us a successful product, powered by customized electronic boards and dedicated software. Our strength is in maximising your product customisation.

elettronica custom
Internet of Things

Technological evolution is leading us towards a new way of conceptualizing and designing electronic devices, which are becoming increasingly smart, interconnected and intuitive, due to the Internet of things and touch screen displays.

internet of things

Syen Electronics

If you can imagine it, we can make it happen. For over 30 years we have been dedicated to the search for customized solutions through the design of bespoke electronic boards and dedicated software. We provide a complete service, “keys in hand”, from design to realization, according to the best quality standards. Our job is to find effective solutions to make devices more efficient, intuitive, functional and secure.


Syen Electronics

test 1 test 2 test 3

made to measure by Syen

circuiti schede elettroniche

We manage each project with maximum customization and flexibility to assist our customers in developing innovative products on the market. We develop new technical solutions in agreement with the customer, identifying the perfect solution for every need, even the particular and unique one.

Our electronic boards are useful in many fields of application from catering to gardening, from purification to medicine. Thanks to tailor-made electronics boards and software, it is possible to better manage professional catering equipment, adjust cooking and refrigeration systems, optimize processing times, increase safety and much more.

We make objects
smart with IoT

The future is already here. Every day we design and produce electronic boards that exploit applications of the Internet of Things, touch screen displays, microcontrollers and advanced sensors to develop intelligent devices, connected to the network, capable of exchanging data and creating an information bank to understand the needs of the market.

Always striving to stay ahead of the curve, we accompany our customers in the digital transformation of professional electronic equipment. We create smart objects that are easier to use and more efficient for the world of today and tomorrow.

We make objects
smart with IoT

progettazione e realizzazione IoT

The future is already here. Every day we design and produce electronic boards that exploit applications of the Internet of Things, touch screen displays, microcontrollers and advanced sensors to develop intelligent devices, connected to the network, capable of exchanging data and creating an information bank to understand the needs of the market.

Always striving to stay ahead of the curve, we accompany our customers in the digital transformation of professional electronic equipment. We create smart objects that are easier to use and more efficient for the world of today and tomorrow.

Partner in the development
of electronic products

schede elettroniche

Partner in the development
of electronic products

Prominent groups have found in Syen a reliable technological partner specialized in the design and production of electronic boards. Thanks to an accurate design and development process, we provide a complete bespoke solution to best meet each specific request.

Do you want to work with us?

Fill in the form with your data and send us your request. Write to us for more information about our design products and services or to request a new tailored solution for your project.

    Syen s.r.l. | Cod. fiscale e Part. IVA: 02314170263 | Iscrizione Ufficio Registro di TREVISO | Num. REA: TV-202803 | Capitale sociale: € 10.400,00 I.V.

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