We are at your disposal, contact us to find out how we can transform your idea into an electronic system, functional to your business.

Get in touch with Syen

Via P. Santi Mattarella 37/A
30037 Gardigiano di Scorzè - Venezia ( Italy )

Fax +39 041 448842
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Fill in the form below with your data and send us your request. Write to us for more information about our products and design services, to receive technical assistance or to request a new customized project.

    Syen s.r.l. | Cod. fiscale e Part. IVA: 02314170263 | Iscrizione Ufficio Registro di TREVISO | Num. REA: TV-202803 | Capitale sociale: € 10.400,00 I.V.

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