Our electronic boards make the equipment more efficient from every point of view. They simplify the work, increase safety, make the operation of the devices more intuitive, increasing their efficiency and consuming less energy.
Over 30 years of experience in the design of electronic boards make us the most qualified partner for all your projects. We are able to provide concrete answers to specific needs, developing innovative electronic control and monitoring systems that allows improvement in the functionality of electrical and mechanical appliances
As part of our service we offer a unique know-how that comes from technical research and experiments successfully applied in various productive sectors. Our approach is oriented towards innovation and always available to invent new fully customized solutions.
To guarantee reliability and compliance with the highest standards required,our design and production processes are UNI EN 9001: 2015 certified in compliance with international standards on quality management systems.
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Syen s.r.l. | Cod. fiscale e Part. IVA: 02314170263 | Iscrizione Ufficio Registro di TREVISO | Num. REA: TV-202803 | Capitale sociale: € 10.400,00 I.V.
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