The best gift is solidarity

iniziative solidali aziendali natale

It’s going to be a Christmas different from the others, which will bring with it new traditions, will make us rediscover the values that really matter and will give us the opportunity to be close to those who need it most, from a distance, but in a concrete way, rediscovering the true Christmas spirit.

For this Christmas we decided to make a single solidarity gift: Syen will support the “International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)” and the italian “Civil Protection Department”, engaged in the fight against Coronavirus, allowing the purchase of personal protective equipment, respirators, ventilators, medical-surgical devices and fittings for intensive care rooms.
Never as this year has the best gift been solidarity.

Syen s.r.l. | Cod. fiscale e Part. IVA: 02314170263 | Iscrizione Ufficio Registro di TREVISO | Num. REA: TV-202803 | Capitale sociale: € 10.400,00 I.V.

credits farmerbit