In the bakery sector, retarder-proofers in a few years have become indispensable tools since they allow to reduce, if not avoid completely, night and holiday work. Retarder-leavening is a process that controls and stops leavening in bread and pastry doughs through the appropriate management of temperature, humidity and resting times. By keeping the dough at a temperature below 4 ° C, it is possible to slow down the fermentation action of the yeast and prevent leavening until the programmed start. Thanks to the use of these devices, working hours become more flexible and also the quality of the final product is improved. The process allows the use of fewer yeasts and additives. The leavening is completely natural, slower, creating a more homogeneous dough with better organoleptic properties.
Syen was the first Italian company to develop specific electronics for retarder-proofers, taking advantage of a French patent. Following the technological evolution, has created various models of retarder-proofers, starting from analogical LED devices with buttons up to the possibility of having LCD screens. The new generation touch screen monitor allows to view control information and set various parameters and programs in order to manage and block the leavening. Discover our case histories on retarder-proofers.
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